Monday, May 18, 2009

Blog open For comments

I changed the settings to allow for comments from everyone. We hope our members ( and non-members) will use the comments section to better communicate with everyone. Try it out to see if it works!


  1. Woe is me - those darn rodents. They ate my zukes!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Meet at the garden tonight (should the weather hold out)for cleaning and drinks!

  4. Let's open a discussion about the garden party. Was wondering if there is a consensus that we want to have a party? Since there were only a couple of gardeners at last evening's meeting and it would be a big endeavor to put it together. What is the goal? I heard fundraising are there other goals?
    Andrea McCluskey

  5. Is it true that we don't think the groundhogs are the problem now, we think it's bluejays?

    I also would like to know more about this party - is there a committee yet?

  6. not yet..we're looking for a few people to form a temporary committee that can help facilitate the process. There isn't much more information about it other than that we want to share our experience with everyone, and possibly cover our 501(c)3 application fee.

  7. I tried to move as much of the FCGA stuff from outside the garden into the garden on Saturday. There were three pallets kind of on top of some of the brush and I am not sure if they are ours. I put them by our gate with a note on them for them to be moved into the garden if they are ours. I also tried to consolidate the brush piles to provide more space for Doug (the shop building tenant) to park his truck. We really need to get the tree debris to one of the County's yard waste facilities. Mary Lou thought we had someone with a truck that could help with that effort. Can we try to get that done this week? We can discuss further at Wednesday's meeting - 6:30 at the garden or come earlier to work on some projects. If it's raining I offered my house as a back-up meeting location - 711 Northside Drive off W. Patrick Street near Rt. 15.

    - Beth
