- Rain Barrels
- Seeds
- Compost bins
- tomato cages
- tiller
- small green house
- wheelbarrow
- buckets
- rakes, trowels, shovels, etc.
- potting soil
- Compost
- Mary Jo & Ed: hand tools, soil, rain barrel
- Beth & Matt: Manure, egg cartons, space for seedlings, chicken wire, tiller, labor for riggin barrel
- Hillary: shovels, pond liner, preform ponds, tubing, mosquito dunks
- Dan Lawton: tractor
- Anna: rake, hoe, space for seedlings
- Brad Palmer: tools to loan (rakes & shovels), irrigation components, woodworking equipment for sheds, trellis, fencing, buidling composting bins and irrigation systems, 3 trucks (one is a dump truck), and bricks for building a pizza oven on site.
- Summer Creek Farms: Large bag of organic fertilizer
- Karen & Eli: Hand trowels, seedling pots, seeds, Bioactivator for compost.